+86 0551-63601307


  • 王百宗
  • 2017-08-07
  • 5296

郭圆月,男,生于1965年9月,安徽省界首市人。中国科学技术大学电磁场与微波技术专业博士,现任中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系副教授,全国量子成像学术委员会委员,国家电磁某重点项目专家组专家。主要研究方面为微波毫米波技术及应用、雷达信号与信息处理、天线理论与技术、高分辨率微波成像理论与技术、光通信网络等,担任IEEE  Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters、IEEE Sensor、 Progress In  Electromagnetics Research、Electronics Letters等国际学术期刊审稿人。主讲本科生课《线性电子线路》,研究生课《移动通信工程》。已发表SCI/EI论文30多篇,先后主持参与了30多项国家和部委项目,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家863计划项目、国家863计划遥感主题项目、中科院知识创新工程项目等。申请国家发明专利共20多项,已经授权16项。 


2009. 05---至今,中国科学技术大学,电子工程与信息科学系副教授;

2004. 02--- 2009. 05:上海中科大研发中心,总经理;上海中科大进修学院,常务副院长;

2001. 02 --- 2004. 02:中国科学技术大学,获电磁场与微波技术专业博士学位;

2002. 08 --- 2003. 09:日本国立电气通信大学,访问学者;

2016. 06 --- 2016. 08:美国旧金山州立大学,访问学者;

1992. 07 --- 2001. 02:合肥市电信局,部门经理;

1989. 09 --- 1992. 07:中科院安徽光学精密机械研究所,获光学专业硕士学位;

1984. 09 --- 1988. 07:阜阳师范学院,获理论物理专业学士学位; 


2019年度 安徽省科技奖 技术发明二等奖 “硅基宽带真延时多波束形成及波束切换关键技术及应用”。 


[1] Hongliang Zhang, Yuanyue Guo*, Gang Wang: A Design of Wideband  Circularly Polarized Antenna with Stable Phase Center over the Whole  GNSS Bands, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, V18(12)  , pp.2746 – 2750, Dec. 2019.

[2] Yuanyue Guo *, Bo Yuan, Zhaohui Wang and Rui Xia: An Imaging  Plane Calibration Method for MIMO Radar Imaging, Sensors, V19(23), pp.5261,  Nov. 2019.

[3] Zheng Jiang, Yuanyue Guo*, Jie Deng, Weidong Chen and Dongjin  Wang: Microwave Staring Correlated Imaging Based on Unsteady Aerostat  Platform, Sensors, V19(12), pp.2825, Jun. 2019.

[4] Hongliang Zhang, Yuanyue Guo*, and Gang Wang: A Wideband Circularly  Polarized Crossed-Slot Antenna with Stable Phase Center, IEEE Antennas  and Wireless Propagation Letters, V18, Issue 5, pp.941-945, May 2019.

[5] Xia, Rui; Guo, Yuanyue*; Chen, Weidong; Wang, Dongjin: Strip-Mode  Microwave Staring Correlated Imaging with Self-Calibration of Gain–Phase  Errors, Sensors, V19, n5, pp.1079, Mar. 2019.

[6] Yuan, Bo Guo, Yuanyue*; Chen, Weidong; Wang, Dongjin: A Novel  Microwave Staring Correlated Radar Imaging Method Based on Bi-Static  Radar System, Sensors, V19, Issue 4, pp.879, Feb. 2019.

[7] Ru Meng, Yulong Xia, Letian Guo , Yuanyue Guo, Qi Zhu: X-band  compact coaxial power combiner for high-power applications, IET Microwaves,  Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 13 Issue. 12, pp. 2171-2176, Jul. 2019.

[8] Meng Ru, Xia Yulong, Guo Yuanyue, Zhu Qi: An X-band 48-way Leaky  Waveguide Antenna with High Aperture Efficiency and High Power Capacity,  IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, V66, n12, p.6799-6809,  Sep. 2018.

[9] Zhang Hongliang, Guo Yuanyue*, Zhang Wenjuan, Wang Gang: A broadband  crossed-slot circularly polarized antenna with stable phase center for  GNSS applications, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, V86, p.55-67,  Jul. 2018.

[10] Guo Yuanyue, Xia Rui, Wang Dongjin: A Novel Dual-platform Microwave  Staring Correlated Imaging Method in Cooperative-mode, 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific  Conference on Antennas and Propagation, p.370-371, Nov. 2018.

[11] Li Hongmin, Guo Yuanyue*, Liu Falin: Microwave staring correlated  imaging method based on multi-station network radar, 2018 International  Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems, Aug.  2018.

[12] Wang, Zhaohui Guo, Yuanyue*; Liu, Falin: A novel MIMO radar  imaging method based on imaging strip mode, 2018 the 8th International  Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, p.178-181, Jun. 2018.

[13] Guo Yuanyue, Deng Jie, Wang Dongjin: A Fast Microwave Correlated  Imaging Method Based on Strip Division in Large Scenes, 2017 IEEE International  Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, p.78-79, Kansai, Japan, Jul.  2017.

[14] Guo Yuanyue, Li Hongmin, Liu Falin, Wang Dongjin: Microwave  Staring Correlated Imaging Based on 3-Dimensinal Randomly Distributed  Antenna Array, 2017 IEEE Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium,  p.205-210, Oct. 2017.

[15] Guo Yuanyue, Deng Jie, Liu Falin, Wang Dongjin: Efficient Strip-Mode  Microwave Correlated Imaging Method with Data Fusion, 2017 IEEE International  Conference on Computer and Information Technology, p.16-22, Sep. 2017.

[16]  Yuanyue Guo, Dongjin Wang, Yong-Sheng Zhou: A New Stochastic  Radiation Antenna Array based on Frequency Hopping with Different Chip-Rates,  2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering,  p.420-425, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.6.17-2016.6.19.

[17] Yuanyue Guo, Jie Deng, Dongjin Wang:Microwave staring correlated  imaging method based on random frequency modulation with different rates,  2016 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques,  p.152-155, Crete, Greece, 2016.10.4-2016.10.6.

[18] Yuanyue Guo, Lin Chen, Dongjin Wang:Microwave staring correlated  imaging method based on bistatic radar, 2016 6th International Workshop  on Computer Science and Engineering, p.415-419, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.6.17-2016.6.19.

[19] Y. S. Zhou, C. R. Li, L. L. Tang, C. X. Gao, D. J. Wang, Y.  Y. Guo: Performance Analysis of New Types of Reference Targets Based  on Spaceborne and Airborne SAR Data, 2016 International Journal of Social,  Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering,  V10(4), p.4,  Apr. 2016.

[20] Meng Qingquan, Liu Bo, Tian Chao, Guo Yuanyue, Wang Dongjin:Correlation  algorithm of Microwave Staring correlated imaging based on multigrid  and CGLS, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Problem-Solving,  p.359-362, Guilin, China, 2015.10.16-2015.10.18.

[21] Yuanyue Guo, Dongjin Wang, Chao Tian: Research on Sensing Matrix  Characteristics in Microwave Staring Correlated Imaging Based on Compressed  Sensing, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques,  p.195-200, Santorini, Greece, Oct. 2014.

[22] Guo Yuanyue, Wang Dongjin, Liu Falin: Research on Routing and  Wavelength/Subcarrier Assignment Algorithm Based on Layered-graph Model  in Optical Satellite Networks, 2014 5th International Conference on  Optical Communication Systems, p.69-76, Aug. 2014.

[23] Yuanyue Guo, Dongjin Wang, Xuezhi He: A novel super-resolution  imaging method based on stochastic radiation radar array, Measurement  Science and Technology, V24(7), p.074013, Jul. 2013.

[24] Yuanyue Guo, Yuanpeng Ma, Dongjin Wang: A Novel Microwave Staring  Imaging Method Based on Short-time Integral Stochastic Radiation Fields,  2013 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques,  p.425-430, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.

[25]Guo Yuanyue, Wang Dongjin, Liu Falin, Kishi Naoto: A novel single-mode,  linearly polarized, erbium-doped fiber laser with a stabilized frequency,   2013 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication  Systems, p.6705730, May 2013.

[26] Yuanyue Guo, Dongjin Wang, Xuezhi He, Bo Liu: Super-resolution  Imaging Method Based on Random Radiation Radar Array, 2012 IEEE International  Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, p.142-148, Manchester,  UK., Jul. 2012.

[27] Yuanyue Guo, Dongjin Wang, Xuezhi He, Bo Liu: Super-resolution  Staring Imaging Radar Based on Stochastic Radiation Fields, 2012 IEEE  International Microwave Workshop Series on Millimeter Wave Wireless  Technology and Applications, p.216-219, Nanjin, China, Sep. 2012. 


     类别          招生专业                      研究方向

硕士学位研究生    081001 通信与信息系统         雷达系统,微波通信系统,  光通信网络

硕士学位研究生    080904 电磁场与微波技术         微波毫米波技术及其应用,天线,高分辨率微波成像





   办公室电话: 0551-63603700

  Email: yuanyueg@ustc.edu.cn

  Homepage: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~yuanyueg/