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美国福特汉姆大学David S.L. Wei教授高水平前沿讲座

  • 系统管理员
  • 2015-07-25
  • 303

  7月14日上午,应薛开平副教授的邀请,美国福特汉姆大学David S.L. Wei教授访问我系,并为我系师生带来一场题为《Important Issues in Legacy and Next Generation Wireless Networks》的研究生高水平前沿讲座。讲座由系主任俞能海教授主持。




  不同无线技术之间(如蓝牙、WiFi、Zigbee等)的干扰协调问题,非授权频谱的频谱稀缺问题,以及安全隐私等问题,一直是近年来无线网络研究的热门研究问题。在本次讲座中, Wei教授分别从上述三个问题出发,介绍了他所带领团队在该领域的重要研究成果。




  当日下午, Wei教授还用半天时间与相关课题组的师生对一些彼此感兴趣的问题进行了深入的讨论。


  David S.L. Wei 简介:

  David S.L. Wei received his Ph.D. degree in Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1991. He is currently a Professor of Computer and Information Science Department at Fordham University. From May 1993 to August 1997 he was on the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Aizu, Japan (as an Associate Professor and then a Professor). Dr. Wei has authored and co-authored more than 90 technical papers in the areas of distributed and parallel processing, wireless networks and mobile computing, optical networks, peer-to-peer communications, cognitive radio networks, and cloud computing in various archival journals and conference proceedings. He served on the program committee and was a session chair for several reputed international conferences. He was a lead guest editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications for the special issue on Mobile Computing and Networking, a lead guest editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications for the special issue on Networking Challenges in Cloud Computing Systems and Applications, a guest editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications for the special issue on Peer-to-Peer Communications and Applications, and a lead guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing for the special issue on Cloud Security. He was the chair of Intelligent Transportation Forum of Globecom 2010, the general chair of Intelligent Transportation Workshop of ICC 2011, and the chair of Cloud Security Forum and Intelligent Transportation Forum of Globecom 2011. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing and an Associate Editor of Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers.  Currently, Dr. Wei focuses his research efforts on cloud computing, big data, IoT, and cognitive radio networks.