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  • 系统管理员
  • 2013-07-16
  • 652




  聘任仪式结束后,刘铁岩博士和王太峰博士为我校师生做了题为“Economics, Security, and Privacy in Web Search”的学术报告。刘铁岩博士和王太峰博士对Web搜索中搜索引擎、广告商和Web用户三方形成的经济链中的相关问题进行了深入细致的讨论和分析。报告重点介绍了Web搜索中点击预测和拍卖机制设计等经济学问题,以及经济链中垃圾邮件、机器查询、点击欺诈和隐私保护等安全问题。在报告中,他们高屋建瓴地阐述了博弈论、机器学习和数据挖掘在研究科学问题中的重要作用。报告会由俞能海教授主持。整个报告会气氛生动活泼,与会师生深感受益。




  Tie-Yan Liu is a senior researcher and research manager at Microsoft Research Asia, leading the Internet Economics & Computational Advertising (IECA) group. His research interests include learning to rank, large-scale graph ranking, algorithmic game theory, and computational economics. He is well knownfor his pioneer work on learning to rank for information retrieval. He has authored the first book in this area, and published tens of highly-cited papers on both algorithms and theorems of learning to rank. In addition, he has also published extensively on other topics related to informationretrieval, machine learning, data mining, and most recently computational advertising.He is a senior member of the IEEE, ACM, and CCF. He is currently an adjunct professor and Ph.D. supervisor of the NankaiUniversity and the University of Science and Technology of China.


  Taifeng Wang is now an associate researcher in Internet Economics and Computational Advertising group, Microsoft Research Asia. He has been working on Internet advertising since Sep. 2010. His research focuses on modeling users’ behavior in ads system and help the search engine deliver better ads. The research topics include ads click prediction, user behavior targetting, ads optimization etc. He is also interested in machine learning, data mining and HCI design.