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  • 系统管理员
  • 2013-07-10
  • 631

  7月5日上午10点,美国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)计算机信息科学与工程系Prof. Shigang Chen应薛开平老师和张弛老师的邀请为我校师生做了题为“Compact and Fast Data Structures with Applications in Networks and RFID Systems”的高水平学术前沿讲座。我校大师讲席教授陈长汶出席了这次讲座。

  陈世刚博士首先高屋建瓴地介绍了网络流量测量领域中存在的问题挑战、研究意义及其发展趋势,并结合实例详细阐述了“Virtual Vectors/Bitmaps”方法的原理及其在网络流量测量领域中的具体应用。除此之外,陈博士还用精彩的图片演示了“Virtual Vectors/Bitmaps”思想推广到RFID系统、交通系统等中的应用。最后,陈博士与大家分享了他多年科研的体会:如何从时间、空间、应用等多维度将某一研究课题做深入。在讲座后的提问阶段,会场气氛活跃,师生们就“Virtual Vectors/Bitmaps”及其在网络测量应用中遇到的各种问题与陈教授进行了热烈而深入的讨论。报告会学术气氛浓厚,但不失生动活泼,与会师生深感受益。



  Dr. Shigang Chen (sgchen@cise.ufl.edu) is a professor with Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering at University of Florida. He received his B.S. degree in computer science from University of Science and Technology of China in 1993. He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996 and 1999, respectively. After graduation, he had worked with Cisco Systems for three years before joining University of Florida in 2002. He served on the technical advisory board for Protego Networks in 2002-2003. His research interests include computer networks, Internet security, wireless communications, and distributed computing. He published ~130 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers. He received IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award in 1999 and NSF CAREER Award in 2007. He holds 11 US patents. He is an associate editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He served in the steering committee of IEEE IWQoS in 2010-2012, and served as various organization roles or TPC members for many conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE.