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JPEG标准工作组主席Touradj Ebrahimi教授访问我校并作学术报告

  • 王百宗
  • 2024-05-08
  • 10

JPEG标准工作组主席、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)Touradj Ebrahimi教授,应我校信息科学技术学院刘东特任教授邀请,于2024年4月27日至5月1日访问我校,并于4月29日上午在高新校区图书教育中心为我校师生作了题为“新兴的JPEG标准概述:创新与应用”的研究生高水平学术报告。

Touradj Ebrahimi教授的报告首先分析了JPEG标准工作组在标准化进程中所采用的策略,与其他标准化机构所采用的策略进行了对比,随后介绍了JPEG标准工作组近年来已发布的几项标准,如JPEG XS、JPEG XL,即将发布的几项标准,如JPEG Trust、JPEG AI,以及正在探索阶段的标准化项目,如JPEG DNA、JPEG XE等。报告结束后,Touradj Ebrahimi教授回答了现场师生的提问。报告会在热烈的掌声中圆满结束。

4月28日下午,Touradj Ebrahimi教授参观了校史馆,对我校在人才培养、科学研究等方面取得的成就表示充分肯定。在来访期间,Touradj Ebrahimi教授还参加了由我校信息科学技术学院主办的视觉智能研讨会(新闻另发)。


Touradj Ebrahimi is professor of image processing at Ecole Polvtechnigue Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and active in teaching and research in multimedia signal processing. He is the Director of multimedia Signal Processing Group at EPFL Since 2014, he has been the convenor (chairman) of the JPEG Standardization Committee which has produced a family standards that have revolutionised the world of imaging. He represents Switzerland as the head of its delegation to JTC1 (in charge of standardization of information technology in ISO and IEC), SC29 (the body overseeing JPEG and MPEG standardization) and is a member of ITU as the main representative of EPFL. Prof. Ebrahimi is also involved in Ecma international as a member of its Execom. He serves as consultant, evaluator and expert for European Commission and other governmental funding agencies in Europe and advises a number of Venture Capital companies in Switzerland in their scientific and technical audits. He has founded several startup and spinoff companies in the past two decades, including the most recent RayShaper SA, a research startup company based in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, involved in Al powered multimedia. His areas of interest include image and video compression, media security, quality of experience in multimedia and Al based image and video processing and analysis. Prof. Ebrahimi is a Fellow of the IEEE, SPIE, EURASIP and AAIA and has been recipient of several awards and distinctions, including an IEEE Star Innovator Award in Multimedia, an Emmy Award on behalf of JPEG and the SMPTE Progress medal.