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  • eeis
  • 2015-07-27
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  2005年保送至南京理工大学并于2009年获得工学学士学位(培优班),于2010年和2014年在加州大学河滨分校获得硕士学位和博士学位(院长杰出奖学金)。现为中国科学技术大学信息科学与技术学院副研究员。曾在加州大学光通信研究中心担任研究助理及纽约联合国总部技术实习生。现任国家自然科学基金评审专家,EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking副编辑(Associate Editor),美国光学学会OSA青年与活动基金及特殊基金评议人,是国际光学工程学会SPIE Optical Engineering杂志2016年度十佳审稿人,曾任IEEE/OSA/EURASIP/SPIE下20余核心期刊及会议审稿人,曾任国际会议技术委员会共同主席或委员。鉴于他在无线射频及光通信领域的贡献,其工作于2013年两次被美国报刊The Press-Enterpress报导。主持/参与多项国家自然科学基金、横向项目或重点实验室重要方向培育基金项目,曾参与美国军方USARO资助下室外长距离光通信项目。提供多项IEEE 802.15可见光通信方向标准提案文稿,申请或参与多项国家专利申请,共发表SCI/EI期刊/会议近30篇。


Journal Papers

  [j.1] Q. Gao, S. Hu, C. Gong and Z. Xu, "Energy efficient Modulation for Visible Light Commu-nications with Signal-dependent Noise," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, no.23, Nov. 2016.

  [j.2] Q. Gao, C. Gong and Z. Xu, "Joint Transceiver and Offset Design for Visible Light Communica-tions with Input-dependent Shot Noise," to appear, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,2017.

  [j.3] Q. Gao, R. Wang, Z. Xu, and Y. Hua, "DC-informative Joint Color-frequency ConstellationDesign for Visible Light Communications," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33,no. 11, pp. 2181-2188, Jun. 2015.

  [j.4] Q. Gao, G. Chen, S. Li, and Z. Xu, "DC-Informative Visible Light Communications under Lighting Constraints," vol.22, no.2, pp. 54-60, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Apr.2015.

  [j.5] Q. Gao, J. Manton, G. Chen, and Y. Hua, "Constellation Design for a Multicarrier Optical Wireless Communication Channel," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 214 - 225, 2014.

  [j.6] C. Gong, S. Li, Q. Gao, and Z. Xu, "Power and Rate Optimization for Visible Light Commu-nication System with Lighting Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no.16, Aug. 2015.

  [j.7] R. Wang, Q. Gao, J. You, E. Liu, P. Wang, Z. Xu and Y. Hua, "Linear Transceiver Designs for Indoor Visible Light Communications with Multiple Light Emitting Diodes," to appear, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2017.

  [j.8] Y. Hua, P. Liang, Y. Ma, A. Cirik, and Q. Gao, "A Method for Broadband Full-Duplex MIMO Radio," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.19, no.12 , Dec. 2012.

  [j.9] X. Zhang, Q. Gao, C. Gong and Z. Xu, "User Grouping and Power Allocation for NOMA Visible Light Communication Multi-cell Networks," DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2016.2642921, IEEE Communications Letters, 2016.

  [j.10] B. Zhang, C. Gong, Q. Gao and Z. Xu, "Two-way Relay Protocol for Optical Wireless Scattering Communication," DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2016.2640283, IEEE Communications Letters,2016.

  [j.11] [Invited] C. Gong, Q. Gao, L. Hanzo and Z. Xu, "Transmission Rate for a Large Set of Services Based on Finite-length Information Theory," submitted, Journal of Communications and Information Networks, submitted, 2017.

  [j.12] [Invited]B. Huang, Q. Gao, and Z. Xu, "Joint Modulation Techniques Based on Multi-color LEDs," ZTE Communications Magazine, Dec. 2014.

Conference Papers

  [c.1] Q. Gao, C. Gong and Z. Xu "Joint Transceiver and Offset Design for Visible Light Communications with Input-dependent Noise," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom) 2016.

  [c.2] Q. Gao, S. Hu, C. Gong and Z. Xu, "Modulation Designs for Multi-carrier Visible Light Communications with Signal-dependent Noise," accepted, IEEE ICCS, 2016.

  [c.3] Q. Gao, R. Wang, Z. Xu and Y. Hua, "Power-efficient High-dimensional Constellation Design for Visible Light Communications," Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC),2015.

  [c.4] Q. Gao, R. Wang, Z. Xu and Y. Hua, "Joint Beamformer and Offset Design for Multi-color Visible Light Communications," International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal

  Processing (WCSP), Dec. 2014.

  [c.5] Q. Gao, L. Liao, G. Chen, and Y. Hua, "Free-space Optical Multisubcarrier Communications Employing Power-e_cient Constellations," IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), pp. 379 - 383, June 2014.

  [c.6] Q. Gao, G. Chen, L. Liao, and Y. Hua, "Full-duplex Cooperative Transmission Scheduling in Fast-fading MIMO Relaying Wireless Networks," IEEE International Conference on Computing,Networking and Communications (ICNC), pp. 771 - 775, Feb. 2014.

  [c.7] Q. Gao, J.H. Manton, G. Chen, and Y. Hua, "Power-efficient Constellation Design for a Multicarrier Optical Wireless System," IEEE Military Communications Conference (Milcom), pp.1645-1650, Nov. 2013.

  [c.8] Q. Gao, G. Chen, and Y. Hua, "Training Slot Allocation for Mitigating Estimation Error Propagation in a Two-Hop Relaying System," pp. 1565 - 1569, IEEE Conference on Signals, Systems,and Computers (Asilomar), Nov. 2013.

  [c.9] Q. Gao, T. Lang, Feng B., G. Chen, and Y. Hua, "Precoder Design for Indoor Visible Light Communications with Multiple RGB LEDs," Proc. SPIE 8874, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans II, San Diego, Aug. 2013.

  [c.10] Q. Gao and G. Chen, "Non-line-of-sight Ultraviolet Communication Based on DHT ACO OFDM," Proc. SPIE 8517, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans, San Diego, Aug. 2012.

  [c.11] C. Gong, Q. Gao, Z. Xu, "Analysis and Design of Amplitude Modulation for Optical Wireless Communication with Shot Noise," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, May, 2016.

  [c.12] C. Gong, Q. Gao and Z. Xu, "Superposition Transmission Protocols for Optical Wireless Scattering Broadcast Channel," submitted, ICC, 2017.

  [c.13] G. Zheng, Q. Gao, C. Gong and Z. Xu, "Achievable Rate and Optimal Signaling for an Optical Wireless Decode-and-Forward Relaying Channel," accepted, IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2016.

  [c.14] K. Zhou, C. Gong, Q. Gao and Z. Xu, "Inter-cell Interference Coordination for Multi-color Visible Light Communication Networks," accepted, GlobalSIP 2016.

  [c.15] C. Gong, S. Li, Q. Gao and Z. Xu, "Power and Rate Optimization for Visible Light Communication System with Lighting Constraints," IEEE ICC, London, Aug. 2015.

  [c.16] X. Zhang, Q. Gao and Z. Xu, "Optical Interference Alignment for an Indoor Visible Light Communication X-Channel," GlobalSIP, Orlando, FL, Dec. 2015.

  [c.17] C. Gong, S. Li, Q. Gao, Z. Xu, "Visible light communication optimization under lighting constraints," IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), Nassau, 2015.


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