时间:2010年9月13号 下午3点
地点:电三楼314 六系第一会议室
题目:Contextual Internet Multimedia Advertising
The advent of media-sharing sites has led to the unprecedented Internet
delivery of media contents. The community-contributed media such as image
and video have become one of the primary sources for online advertising.
However, conventional ad-networks treat multimedia advertising as general
text advertising by displaying the ads either relevant to the queries or the
Web page content, without considering automatically monetizing the rich
contents of individual images and videos. In this talk, we will summarize
the trend of online multimedia advertising and propose an innovative
advertising model driven by the compelling contents of media. We present a
series of recently developed systems as exemplary advertising applications,
in which the most contextually relevant ads are embedded at the most
appropriate positions within the media. The ads selected by multimodal
relevance yield contextual relevance to both the surrounding text and the
visual content. The ad locations detected by visual saliency analysis
minimize the intrusiveness to the user. We will show how the techniques from
computer vision and multimedia can be leveraged for effective online
Tao Mei is a Research Staff Member from the Media Computing group,
Microsoft Research Asia. He received the B.E. degree in automation and the
Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from the
University of Science and Technology of China in 2001 and 2006, respectively.
His current research interests include multimedia content analysis and
internet multimedia applications such as search, advertising, social network,
and mobile applications. He is the editor of one book, the author of seven
book chapters and over 90 journal and conference papers in these areas. He
holds more than 25 international and U.S. patents or pending applications.
Dr. Mei serves as an Associate Editor for Neurocomputing and Journal of
Multimedia, a Guest Editor for IEEE Multimedia Magazine, ACM/Springer
Multimedia Systems Journal, and Journal of Visual Communication and Image
Representation. He was the principle designer of the automatic video search
system that achieved the best performance in the worldwide TRECVID
evaluation in 2007. He received the Best Paper and Best Demonstration Awards
in ACM Multimedia 2007, the Best Poster Paper Award in MMSP 2008, and the
Best Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2009.
地点:电三楼314 六系第一会议室
题目:Contextual Internet Multimedia Advertising
The advent of media-sharing sites has led to the unprecedented Internet
delivery of media contents. The community-contributed media such as image
and video have become one of the primary sources for online advertising.
However, conventional ad-networks treat multimedia advertising as general
text advertising by displaying the ads either relevant to the queries or the
Web page content, without considering automatically monetizing the rich
contents of individual images and videos. In this talk, we will summarize
the trend of online multimedia advertising and propose an innovative
advertising model driven by the compelling contents of media. We present a
series of recently developed systems as exemplary advertising applications,
in which the most contextually relevant ads are embedded at the most
appropriate positions within the media. The ads selected by multimodal
relevance yield contextual relevance to both the surrounding text and the
visual content. The ad locations detected by visual saliency analysis
minimize the intrusiveness to the user. We will show how the techniques from
computer vision and multimedia can be leveraged for effective online
Tao Mei is a Research Staff Member from the Media Computing group,
Microsoft Research Asia. He received the B.E. degree in automation and the
Ph.D. degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from the
University of Science and Technology of China in 2001 and 2006, respectively.
His current research interests include multimedia content analysis and
internet multimedia applications such as search, advertising, social network,
and mobile applications. He is the editor of one book, the author of seven
book chapters and over 90 journal and conference papers in these areas. He
holds more than 25 international and U.S. patents or pending applications.
Dr. Mei serves as an Associate Editor for Neurocomputing and Journal of
Multimedia, a Guest Editor for IEEE Multimedia Magazine, ACM/Springer
Multimedia Systems Journal, and Journal of Visual Communication and Image
Representation. He was the principle designer of the automatic video search
system that achieved the best performance in the worldwide TRECVID
evaluation in 2007. He received the Best Paper and Best Demonstration Awards
in ACM Multimedia 2007, the Best Poster Paper Award in MMSP 2008, and the
Best Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2009.