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  • 系统管理员
  • 2010-06-24
  • 273

报告题目: Towards Terabit Optical Transport

报 告 人:  谢伟教授(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)

报告时间:  2010年7月2日上午10点

报告地点:  信息学院6系第一会议室(电三楼3楼)

报告摘要:  The exponential growth of the internet traffic has placed great strain on the underlying optical transport networks. There is a great concern for the sustainability of such explosive growth in a cost-effective manner. In this talk, we will discuss emerging new technologies such as coherent optical OFDM with a focus on their capability of higher spectral efficiency and dynamic bandwidth provisioning. We will then present many challenges and promises for the Terabit Optical Ethernet that is poised to emerge within the next decade.


报告人简介: Dr. William Shieh is an alumnus of USTC, class 854. He is currently an associate professor at the University of Melbourne. His areas of interests include Optical MIMO and OFDM techniques for optical and wireless applications, coherent optical communications, optical signal processing and equalization, and polarization effects in optical fiber. Dr. Shieh also has research experience as technical section lead, submarine amplifier design group, Dorsal Networks/Corvis Corporation (2000-03), member of technical staff, Bell Labs at Lucent Technology, (1998-2000) and member of technical staff, Jet Propulsion Labs at Time and Frequency Systems Group ( 1996 -1998). He has published more than 100 journal and conferences papers, one authored book, and two contributed book chapters.

