Professor Yinchao Chen学术报告会通知
学 术 报 告 会
题 目:Signal Integrity Fundamentals, Issues & Solutions, and Challenges
报告人:Professor Yinchao Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Carolina,USA
时 间:2010年1月5日(星期二)下午14:30
地 点:电三楼314电子工程与信息科学系(六系)第一会议室
主 办:电子工程与信息科学系
With his colleagues at USC and Intel, Professor Yinchao Chen has made major contributions towards the establishment and development of USC-Intel Signal Integrity Program. The SI program, developed in 2003, is the first high-speed circuit industry oriented program ever created nationally and internationally.
In this seminar, Professor Chen will define the concept of high-speed circuit signal integrity, introduce the fundamentals of SI issues and solutions, and present the SI research applications and challenges.

Yinchao Chen currently is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Carolina, as a tenured professor. His current research interests include signal integrity for high speed circuits, RF communications, computational electromagnetics with applications of millimeter-wave integrated circuits, wireless communication applications, electronic packaging modeling for VLSI devices, microwave antenna and scattering applications. He has published more than 180 international publications in refereed journals and international conference proceedings, and 3 books.